Marketing Partnerships

Grandmother and Granddaughter reading Highlights magazine togetherGrandmother and Granddaughter reading Highlights magazine together

We're always looking for mission-driven, like-minded partners to help us bring joyful learning to kids of all ages.

With an incredible history and a deep awareness for what kids love, Highlights can bring FUN WITH A PURPOSE to your customers (and more sales, awareness and engagement to you!) through ...

These are just a few of the many ways that Highlights can collaborate with your brand ...

Featured Partnerships

Contact Us

For more information about the above, or to bring us a new idea about how to partner, please contact The M Zone.

Affiliate Program

When you join our affiliate network, you’ll receive referral fees for sales of Highlights products generated from your website.

Creative Submissions

Have a story, poem or illustration you’d like to publish in our products? See our guidelines and submit your work for consideration.