Ages 4-7

Maggie and Pie 2-Book Set: Pizza Party and Big Breakfast

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The Maggie and Pie Level 1 Highlights Puzzle Readers incorporate visual logic puzzles into the stories of these engaging books! The combination boosts reading confidence, encourages re-reading and exercises thinking skills.

Maggie and Pie are friends, but also opposites. Maggie is a disorganized magpie, while Pie the pigeon is all about following the rules. Funny things can happen when they cook together!

  • In Pizza Party, kids solve visual logic puzzles to help Maggie and Pie find the right ingredients for making a delicious pizza.
  • In The Big Breakfast, kids solve the puzzles to help the bird friends find the right ingredients for their morning pancakes.

There’s a bonus recipe in each book, too, so kids can make their own pizza and pancakes for even more fun!

Level 1 readers are for kids who are learning to sound out letters and syllables, recognize simple sight words and read with expression. The recipe are also great hands-on activities that support math skills and nurture self-esteem.

Product Details:

Contents: 1 paperback book   

Pages: 32

Product Dimensions: 6" x 9"

ISBN: 9781639620166

Ages: 4-7

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Maggie and Pie 2-Book Set: Pizza Party and Big Breakfast