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Global Rights & Permissions

We offer access to our searchable digital asset management system to find high-quality fiction and non-fiction content for licensing. We also offer accounts that let multiple users in your company simultaneously access content and create their own collections in customizable folders.
Advantages of Licensing Highlights Content
- Scope and breadth of content: Pre-K-Grade 8, Fiction, Non-Fiction, English and Spanish
- The Highlights legacy and brand ensures highest quality, award-winning content
- Fulfills authentic text call and easily correlates to standards
- All content is discoverable in our simple and easy-to-use system
- Thousands of pieces of Lexiled content
- Flexible and custom licensing models, as well as volume discounts
- Quick turnaround time on requests, typically answered in 2 to 3 days.
- Hi-res files available in multiple formats
- Minor edits for educational uses, like annotating, creating a Cloze reading passage and adjustments for reading level are usually approved without review. Rewrites are considered on a case-by-case basis

Permission Requests
To ensure that your permission request is processed as quickly as possible, please enclose all necessary information.
Your Details
- Requestor name
- Requestor organization, title and contact information
- Publisher name and address
- Product/title name
- Product/title publication date or release date
- Term
- Each format and its corresponding quantities. If usage is electronic, note if the material will be password protected
- Territory
- Language
- Any additional rights needed, such as audio, custom editions, etc.
Our Details
- Title of our material
- Author/artist
- Publication date
- Publication name
- Whether request is for "text" or "text and art"
Note: If requesting an excerpt or any changes to the original material, please provide a marked-up copy of the proposed edits for consideration.

Contact Us
For more information, to set up an account or to submit general permission requests (must be in writing), please contact Permissions@Highlights.com.