Shop at Highlights for Children

Young child lying on a couch reads a magazine and smiles.Young child lying on a couch reads a magazine and smiles.
Young child lying on a couch reads a magazine and smiles.Young child lying on a couch reads a magazine and smiles.

Designed to inspire kids to explore new topics, tackle brain-boosting challenges, and learn about themselves and the world, our magazines are inclusive of all kids and filled with diverse stories, puzzles, and games to encourage creativity and learning. 

kids get Highlights because Highlights gets kids

Millions of subscribers agree: Our magazines and subscriptions deliver
Fun with a Purpose month after month. From inquisitive toddlers to
adventurous big kids, there's a perfect fit here.
Parent and child baking in the kitchen.
explore OFF the page
Try out a recipe, craft or experiment and make memories beyond reading together. You might even learn something new!
Two kids of different ages page through High Five magazine and Highlights magazine together.
brain-boosting fun
Created with child development experts, each magazine is tailored to their age. Ready for more? You can change anytime.
Toddler enjoying Hello magazine.
for littlest readers, too
Start their reading journey with fun delivered every month! They'll love reading again and again; you'll love the durable pages.
winter boredom?
never heard of it.
story book subscriptions to
unlock their love of reading
brain-boosting all-puzzle books
for beginners to experts.
innovative, curriculum-aligned
learning for busy families
solutions that support kids'
social-emotional development

The Perfect Gift For Every Age

Start Brain-Boosting Subscriptions for $10

Whether your little learner prefers puzzles and games or direct skills practice, there’s an age-perfect subscription box just for them.

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Have a busy Highlights kid? We'd love to see what they're making, drawing and cooking. Tag us with #MyHighlightsKid on social.

Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.
Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.
Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.
Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.
Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.
Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.
Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.
Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.Kids enjoying their Highlights magazines, kits and more.