Ages 5-7

Write-On Wipe-Off Let's Practice Math

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SKU #A2303
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This Write-On Wipe-Off Let’s Practice Math book combines Hidden Pictures puzzles and other fun activities with lessons in a way that makes it enjoyable for kids to learn. The reusable format lets kids easily wipe out their previous attempts to play again as many times as they like.   

This book of math problems for kids covers counting, skip counting, shapes, simple addition and more — all designed to help them improve their skills and build confidence in the classroom. Hidden Pictures puzzles, mazes, matching games and other activities help reinforce learning and add to the fun.  

There are 56 pages of lessons with full-color puzzles. The spiral binding allows both right-handers and left-handers to write easily. Includes dry-erase marker. 

Product Details:

Contents: 1 spiral-bound books, 1 dry-erase marker

Pages: 56

Product Dimensions: 8 3/8" x 10 7/8"

ISBN: 9786144723036

Ages: 5-7

Write-On Wipe-Off Let's Practice MathWrite-On Wipe-Off Let's Practice Math
builds learning confidencebuilds learning confidence
crafted by expertscrafted by experts
reinforces learning conceptsreinforces learning concepts

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Write-On Wipe-Off Let's Practice Math